Sunday, September 30, 2007


So Did I ever mention that Scott and I got called to teach the CTR 5's?? I thought it was going to be ok, I was still really optimistic last week. We haven't been set apart yet, but I almost don't want to. Let's just say I had a very bad day trying to be the teacher for that class today alone. Scott went home after Sacrament Meeting because of his eye. He got drops but they don't kill the pain so he's really hating life right now. It makes his eyes water a ton and thus his nose runs so he sounds like he's sick even though he is not. Did you know that your tear ducts drain through the nose which is why you get a runny nose when you cry?? We wanted to know why you get a runny nose when you cry so we did what we do best--we googled it. We found a kids website that told us the answers plain and simple. We found out some other interesting things too. Like when it's cold outside your nose runs because it condenses and forms droplets in your nose becuase of the difference in temperatures. Also, when you are sick there's a build up of mucus in your sinuses which is why you feel "stuffy"
Anyway, I hate primary, I feel really dumb and I feel like a couple of the kids deliberately are misbehaving because I"m new. I was so upset today that I had to keep from crying in church and just totally let it all out when I came home--which made Scott feel really bad, but I couldn't really help it.
They may be slightly easier to handle with Scott there too, but I still miss relief society. I don't really want to be a babysitter when I go to church and that's all it feels like with these particular kids. grrrrrr.
Anyway, that's enough from me.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

What a Day!!!

Scott and I lazily slept in this morning--until past 10 am!! It was very nice to just relax and enjoy the morning. It was nice to wake up to clouds and rain, which I find very soothing--at least until I have to go out into it!! And we did.

We made plans to go to the Mall to get some new pants. Scott--some Jeans, and Me, some khaki's and nicer pants for work because I just got a job--the one I interviewed for last Tuesday--and I can't wear jeans. I don't think I ever blogged about that was awful. From my other blog: " I had a job interview for a secretary job in the Civil Engineering Department on campus; they asked a billion questions I felt very interrogated. For crying out loud its to be a secretary, not in the FBI!!! I guess I'm supposed to hear back by the end of the week--tomorrow possibly. I don't know. I revamped my entire resume which I think will help me more now. I've applied to something like 6-odd jobs, but have only had 1 interview. It's not looking good for me." Anyway, I got a call after 5 yesterday and they offered me the job and I had to accept because I've had such bad luck. It's been a month of looking and this is the first job offer or even call back, so I accepted and start Monday. But back to my story, I can't wear jeans and I don't want to wear skirts very often, and my other black pants are too short, so I had to go get me some new pants.

On the way
to the Mall, actually to pick up Steve who called and wanted to go too, Scott was driving and apparently got something in his eye and tried to get it out real fast but ended up gouging his eye with his finger--he had to pull over and I ended up driving. We couldn't decide if it was scratched or if there was just something still in it, but it kept bugging him for the next couple hours. After the Mall, we took Steve back and then drove to the BYU health center--it was closed so we drove to the hospital. Scott went in to ask what he should do. They told him he could wait there at the ER, but it would be about $50, or go to the Instacare Center in Springville which took BYU insurance too and would be cheaper and much less of a wait on a Saturday, so that is where we went. There was NO body else there when we got there, so there was no wait at all. In fact it took longer to sign papers and give Scott's info than to wait to see the doctor! So Dr Miller was our doc and he put numbing drops in Scott's eye, and then he put in dye. Then I turned off the lights and he had this magnify glass surrounded by a black light. He showed me the part on his eye and sure enough it was scratched--a pretty big scratch too--a triangle shape at "7 o'clock" on his iris. The doc prescribed an antibacterial drop--which we picked up at Wal-mart along with Milk, cereal, cheese and soup. Disappointingly though, the drops don't really kill the pain as much as Scott hoped. He played my Sims game to kill some time. We were going to go see a movie but decided it wasn't a good idea. We watched The Office and Inside Man at home. We also had icecream because Ice cream seems to make things all better somehow--at least temporarily.

In other news: IT TOTALLY SNOWED!!! The rain, rain, rain that was pouring down all day turned into SNOW. IN SEPTEMBER!!! I can hardly believe it! Not only that, but it's actually sticking to the cars and ground! I just can't believe it! What happened to Fall?? I LOVE Fall. I feel totally gypped. I miss the colors, the cool breezes and the crunchy leaves. I really really really am not ready for winter!!! I don't even know where my winter coat is!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

KaTie's KLipBoaRd

I just discovered and it's got the cooLest stuff. Someday I may aspire to actually get some of my own stuff on there.

Here's some cool things I found:

Porcelain by Kim Westad

Art, etc. by Theblackapple --Emily Martin

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I wish I had a dog

On days like this, I wish I had a pet to keep me company (the spider in the kitchen light does NOT count--though I have named it Freddie). Scott's gone a lot this week--on campus until 10 and 11 at night! Tuesday and Today I spent most of the day at home. Tuesday I cleaned the entire apartment from floor to ceiling...with cleaners. Today I didn't leave the apartment at all actually. I did some painting, and a lot of studying for a test. But now it's getting really lonely. I wish I had a cute, cuddly dog or kitty to keep me company. Unfortunely I don't think our landlords would like that very much. Come home soon, Luv! I miss you!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

TGIF, again?

I think this week went by pretty fast, would you agree?

I applied to another job on campus--secretarial in the CB, and fixed up my resume. I'm found another job in the classifieds too. It reads: "PT Data Entry. Work from home doing data-entry and intermediate photoshop manipulation. 20 hrs/wk minimum. Choose your own hours, internet and home computer req'd. Payment per project; $8-$14/hr. Email resume..." Sounds easy enough, right?? Just pray for me that I may find a job soon!!! We'll be ok for a while, but We'll probably go broke by the end of the school year if I don't help out. My bank account is definitely dwindling.

This weekend should be pretty good. Scott and I were planning on going camping, but he's getting over a cold and I've been having some neck pains that I think are due to a bad pillow...i have this new, king-sized down pillow and it's too much for me I think. Just doesn't position me right and then my neck gets these wonky pains that give me headaches. not fun. I actually ended up throwing the pillow on the floor last night and just slept flat on my mattress. :l I don't wanna get addicted to Advil, but the way I'm poppin them for these headaches means I gotta get a new pillow A-SAP. ANYWAY, we aren't going camping (maybe next week) and instead Scott and I are going to go Golfing with Joel and Robbie and then tomorrow Scott wants to go to the game, so maybe I'll go shopping or something. I need new jeans because it's going to start getting cold pretty quick I think. I'm just waiting for it to start raining!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Weirdest Cat

We stayed at the house of some family friends during our stay in Ohio for our reception, and there was this cat there that acted sooooo unlike a cat sometimes! This cat would try to follow us everywhere, even the bathroom. Once in the bathroom it did definitely raised an eyebrow. Here's one thing it did...

Have you ever seen a cat do that? But the thing that was most bizarre to us was the fact that when we let the cat in the bathroom before we got into the shower, then when we turned on the water in the shower...the cat would jump in the tub!!! It voluntarily would try to get in the water!!! What a weird cat! The cat also didn't really like Scott that much, so I had to come pick it up and throw her out of the bathroom a couple times. We were just careful not to let her into our bedroom either because she would hop on the bed and lay right in the middle of the bed. Silly Kitty. Doesn't she know that cats aren't supposed to like water??

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NEwLyWed NewS:

Having only been married less than 2 months, Scott and I are naturally still learning about how each other lives on a day to day basis.

Our recent "fight" has been more of an ongoing joke in the last week or so.

Y0u see Scott has this quirk. Whether it's a box of cereal, a pack of pens or, in this case, a tube of toothpaste, there comes a point where the item in question is nearly to its' end. Naturally, when something is nearly finished off you buy more so you have it on hand when the old stuff is gone. This leads to how the "fight" began...Instead of finishing off the old tube of toothpaste completely before starting the new--he immediately wanted to just start using the new stuff!! ANd he had!!! I had to put it to a stop by hiding the new tube of toothpaste so he had no choice to finish off the old one. Oh but then he thought he'd be clever--he remembered that he had a new tube of toothpaste waiting in the cupboards too! But, HA, I am too quick cuz I actually knew where it was in the cupboard and got to it first!!!
To make the situation more hilarious, for the next week I proved to him day and night that there was still plenty of toothpaste still left!!! AND THERE WAS!!! Iwent for days making him squeeze out every last pasty gloop before I finally surprised him by replacing it with the new tube! It was a jokingly fun fight--there was lots of fake complaining and fake arguing all in good fun of course.

Too bad I don't think I'll ever be able to get him to finish off one cereal box before opening the new box... That one just may take years!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Katie's KLipBoard

i LoVe ThiS!!!
Anything that is this simple, yet so cute and colorful is definitely klipboard worthy. The tables are so simply fantastic--I could have done something similar to this for wedding decorations--the colors are perfect. The ceiling decor would make for a very festive party. Someday I will definitely have to mimic this one for a dinner party.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Never a dull Saturday

Scott and I did TONS today!
Not only did we wake up early, we were ready and out of the house by 9am! That includes a fantastically satisfying dose of Saturday morning laziness if you can believe it.
After some lucky charm goodness, we constructed our route for which yardsales we would visit--first in Springville, then in Provo which was our eventual route anyway for the rest of our day's plans. We were actually pretty successful in our hunt for some furniture. Our goal: new couch, and/or chairs for our dining room and desk. We came across 2 different couches. The first was nice, very flowery though which Scott was immediately against, naturally. But it was really really nice. However upon getting out a tape measure we found it to be about 84 inches. Our couch can really go in only one spot in our tiny living room. That spot includes a wall that is about 73 inches. So the first couch was ruled out and we left, not even knowing how much it was. Continuing along, we actually stumbled across some more couches. there was a sofa and a loveseat, both with slipcovers on them. The loveseat was obviously a no-go because just from looking at it, the back cushions were poking out and all lumpy looking-:( The sofa was actually pretty good though, and the slipcover looked nice too. The guy was offering it for only $10!!! Unfortunely though, it was 89 inches! even BIGGER than the other one! So we left. We drove around Provo and came upon a yard sale that wasn't in our plans (easy to do on a Saturday morning when the weather's right) and we stopped because they had 2 dining sets out. So we parked around the corner and then walked back to take a look. We found many good surprises actually. We found a snowboard that was just the right size for me, and in pretty good shape too! It doesn't have bindings, though and could use a new wax job, but we got it anyway! YAY! We also inquired to see if they would sell us the chairs without the table. They would--there were 3 chairs and they wanted $20 for them. We lingered a little and looked around as we discussed it, and then we eventually bought them and the snowboard for $30. I think we did very well. The chairs are solid oak, very sturdy and not in very bad shape. In fact if I'm feeling ambitious, I could sand them down and give them a nice wax and they would look awesome. I may do just that.
So then it was really just after 10 o'clock. We went to campus and walked up to the compter lab where Scott works. He wanted to work on stuff and I brought homework to do too until I got a call from my friend Nikki who I had plans to hang out with. She met us there and we bummed around on the computers for a while. Then the 3 of us headed back to Springville. It was quite the feat though, because we had put all 3 chairs in the backseat! They wouldn't fit in the trunk! So Nikki squished underneath one--awkward but not totally uncomfortable she said. And 20 minutes later we were back home. I showed her around and showed off some of my new cool stuff--wedding presents are awesome! And then I showed here where I was doing laundry (we just use our renters' w/d and have assigned days--Tues and Saturdays) We then spent about 2 hours eating lunch--pizza, and looking at pictures from my cruise in Europe with Scott's Family.
Around 2:30, we'd hit a bump and got kinda bored, so Scott and I took Nikki back, hit up the 7-eleven for a slushy and then met Robbie, Dave, and Steven Cole for a 9-hold round of golf. I opted out and just watched. It was pretty decent weather, the sun stayed behind clouds for the better part of the game which was good. I hate the sun, if you didn't know. Scott made his first ever birdie on the very last hole. Way to end it! It was sweet awesomeness, and I'm sure he'll agree. We then went back home, I made biscuits while he fiddled around and then we watched a movie. He's working on hw now as I finished this entry and I will most definitely be hitting the pillow in about 5 minutes. I'm pooped!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

hApPy eNdiNgs

Luckily, last night at least ended great. Scott and I had fun talking and walking fast to our car last night. We walked across a crosswalk without pushing the button to change the stoplight and then pushed it when we got across the street and laughed and ran away because we made 3 cars stop for us and we were already across! It was hilarious. Then we made a 10:00 run to Carl's Jr and headed for home. We ate our juicy goodness while watching another episode from the first season of The Office--our recent addiction. We then said GoOdniGht to a bAd dAy.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Blues

I would rather eat my own boogers than to listen to one more class talk about research methods!!! I took a class over the summer--Critical Inquiry and Research Methods--where I learned everything there is to know about research--how it's done, why it's done--EVERYTHING. I am taking 5 classes this semester and so far every stinkin one has been talking about research and methods etc etc this week! GRRRRR!! It's really dum to skip the second day of class, so i've been sitting through each one just enduring it. I HATE RESEARCH. It is beyond a proven fact that i will NOT become a least not in the boring sense that we talk about it in class. Ugg.

Not only were my classes BoriNg today, I've been on campus now for 12 hours! I'm waiting for Scott to do his homework. I've already pretty much finished all of my homework for this week because i've had about 5-6 hours of free time. :P Yuck.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

A gOoD dAy

Today Scott and I were very productive...aFteR our lazy morning :)
We slept in and lazed around until nearly 11 and then went to campus to get a few things done on the 'faster' internet.

We traveled to Target to get our DVD player and some sHaRp knives for our kitchen. We got a pretty good deal on our DVD player because it was on sale, and then I got a pretty nice knife block for our kitchen.

We then traveled to Springville WaL-MaRt for a much needed grocery trip. We've been living various odds and ends from food from our old apartments and a few things that we got when we first moved in, but it just wasn't enough. We did a major overhaul on the grocery section of Walmart and bought about $130 worth of food. Fortunately for us we had about $100 in gift cards!! Sweet Sweet deal. We actually ran into Jen there too! That is really fun! Also to note, the woman in front of us in line had 2 VERY full shopping carts and spent over $500 in groceries!! WOW. Either they just moved in too, or she just has a very big family to feed!! I hope that I NEVER have to spend that much money on groceries in one trip!!

We spent a couple hours cleaning the apartment and putting all our food away and setting up the DVD player and then I headed over to Jen's to watch the boys. Andrew will be coming to take over for about an hour while Scott and I go to a friend's wedding reception. Then I will be back to Jen's to help put the boys to bed.

Talk about a busy Saturday! But isn't that what Saturday's are supposed to be like?

Friday, September 07, 2007

a few chairs would be nice

Over the past month and a half my life has changed drastically. The wedding planning is finally over--something that totally consumed every fiber of my being for a very long time, especially the weeks leading up to the actual date (July 28th) and it's just been one big roller coaster since then! Here's the jist:

Our wedding day was perfect and almost exactly everything i'd hoped for--there's always a few glitches or surprises that you wished hadn't happened or happened differently, but what can you do? Life is not perfect and definitely cannot be planned to the T, including weddings. But it was definitely special and memorable and wonderful in everyway and I hope to never forget those amazing details. We spent the afternoon infront of several cameras and then a couple hours greeting family and friends and enjoying our wedding dinner. Then at the end I was seriously being dragged OUT of the room by my new husband as we went down to the car to get out of there. (we almost forgot that my suitcases were still in my parent's car! Luckily my younger brother came to the rescue and helped us tranfer the luggage.) We had a bit of a drive ahead of us as we headed up into Ogden Canyon to the beautiful Lakeside Resort Properties and explored the spacious and beautiful home style apartment we stayed in for our honeymoon.
Our honeymoon was amazing, relaxing and just such a great time we had with each other. I will post more details about the hiking, and dino park and shark week and all the other fun stuff we did later. Right now I'll move on to the rest of our adventures.
We then flew via US airways, which we've nicknamed U. Suck. Airways, as throughout our trip you will find out why. Our connection in Pheonix was more than a bad dream and several headaches later finally arrived in Atlanta with about a day to make final preparations for our backyard, poolside reception. Picures to follow.
With a couple of days in between to shop and pack, we eventually made the start of our wonderful journey to Europe with Scott's entire family (11 in all, the kids stayed home). There's no way I could blog about our 2 week adventure and cruise in this blog will follow later. We also have about a billion pictures so obviously i will have to pick and choose. My goodness I should have been blogging this entire time. Too bad I could not have access to the internet to do such things. :( Although I did get 10 minutes at an internet cafe in Florence, but obviously a 5 country cruise with some 10 odd ports requires more than just 10 minutes.
After a few more airline headaches, all 11 of us and our 14 pieces of luggage (we only managed to leave 1 in Venice and that was our cruise ships fault not the airline) that's not even including all our carry-ons, we finally made it back to Georgia at about 3 am. Scott and I had one day in Georgia--we packed and repacked and returned gifts from our reception that were too big or heavy to mail or take with us and then the next day were on our way to OHIO. YAY! Unfortunately we had even more airline trouble and got there late again. But we did get to spend a twinkle of time with my family before Friday and saturday's reception chaos began. This reception was at the stake center, but it turned out beautifullly. Yup you guessed it--pictures and details to follow. I 'm going to be blogging about this stuff for forever I think. Maybe i'll just start a new blog... ;) Like 4 isn't enough already!
And to think that it is STILL not over. Oh no. Scott and I journeyed to Utah through Colorado on Frontier--a great airline. So no troubles there. What a difference! We made it into Salt Lake and so did our 4 bags and 3 carryons. We most definitely had a lot more stuff than when we left! We made it to our apartment after meeting Scott's dad for lunch in SLC at PF Changs. Our very empty apartment. We then spent the rest of the day going from store to store looking for mattresses. I had to get some ice-cream from Cold stone to keep me going. We spent the night on a king sized airmattress from Sam's Club and then woke up early to get ALL our stuff our of storage (in one trip and 2 cars--one being a saburban, the other scott's midsized car) and then a big trip to IKEA to get some furniture. We spent a little more time at a couple mattress places, a lunch trip to Chili's and then unpacked a little bit. Then next day Scott had to go back to work, I spent the day unpacking box after box. Then Thursday the same drill except I felt unusually fatigued. By the time Scott came home I had zero energy and plopped down on the couch. I soon realized I had a fever when I was hot, yet shivering. I was really frustrated because there was still so much to do. Scott left for a couple hours to get camping gear and I ended up sleeping the entire time he was gone. The rest is a blur. He spent Friday at work and I spent friday being tired again but got a few things done. I went to campus to pick him up, but he dropped me off to meet up with Nikki and Melissa for dinner and he went home to pack and then go to Altonah for his camping trip and weekend hike to King's Peak. I spent 2 hours with Nikki and Melissa and then Melissa and I went to hang out with some old friends for a while which was really fun. I had to have Al and Steve pick me up because i didn't have a car for the weekend, but I finally got home and in bed. First night sleeping alone since being married :(
The weekend was lonely, but I spent Saturday shopping with Brenda and the girls. We got mostly everything for our apartment including cute things to put on the walls, but Scott and I are still missing a few key items--some chairs for our table and desk would be nice, and a sharp knife would probably come in handy too.
Anyway, Sunday I went to church with Jen, came home for a while but then went to her house to hang out for the rest of the night--she made french toast :) Then Monday more shopping, then a mass cleaning up of the apartment and the wait for Scott to come home began. It was like the reunion of the century--I was SO happy to have him home.

Anyway, now it's September and school has started. more...on that later :)

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