We made plans to go to the Mall to get some new pants. Scott--some Jeans, and Me, some khaki's and nicer pants for work because I just got a job--the one I interviewed for last Tuesday--and I can't wear jeans. I don't think I ever blogged about that experience...it was awful. From my other blog: " I had a job interview for a secretary job in the Civil Engineering Department on campus; they asked a billion questions I felt very interrogated. For crying out loud its to be a secretary, not in the FBI!!! I guess I'm supposed to hear back by the end of the week--tomorrow possibly. I don't know. I revamped my entire resume which I think will help me more now. I've applied to something like 6-odd jobs, but have only had 1 intervi

On the way to the Mall, actually to pick up Steve who called and wanted to go too, Scott was driving and apparently got something in his eye and tried to get it out real fast but ended up gouging his eye with his finger--he had to pull over and I ended up driving. We couldn't decide if it was scratched or if there was just something still in it, but it kept bugging him for the next couple hours. After the Mall, we took Steve back and then drove to the BYU health center--it was closed so we drove to the hospital. Scott went in to ask what he should do. They told him he could wait there at the ER, but it would be about $50, or go to the Instacare

In other news: IT TOTALLY SNOWED!!! The rain, rain, rain that was pouring down all day turned into SNOW. IN SEPTEMBER!!! I can hardly believe it! Not only that, but it's actually sticking to the cars and ground! I just can't believe it! What happened to Fall?? I LOVE Fall. I feel totally gypped. I miss the colors, the cool breezes and the crunchy leaves. I really really really am not ready for winter!!! I don't even know where my winter coat is!!

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