About Me

I grew up in Ohio
My hubby, Scott, grew up in Georgia.
We met at BYU, dated for 15 months, were engaged for 3
We got married on July 28, 2007 and lived in Utah for nearly 9 years.

In 2016 Scott took a job at Verizon as a contractor which meant he could finally work from home.  We wanted more distance from the LDS community since we were no longer a part of it so we took a giant leap and moved to Georgia in July 2016. We wanted to be closer to Scott's family and live in a place with a lot more diversity

I graduated with a BS in Family Life but I would do it all again and major in  graphic design and Photography {because I'm a lazy self-learner!!} 
I am self-taught in Photoshop & Illustrator
I run a small business making family tree art ~ My Branches 

I used to post on here as more of a journal, but now it's stays up mostly just because I have Pins on Pinterest that people are still using.  Slowly all personal stuff is getting archived - just in case you're wondering where everything went.

the end.

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