Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Photo Tag...YOU're IT !

My 6th folder is a random Family & Friends Folder and the 6th folder within that folder just happens to be the S&K (scott & katie) folder and this is the 6th picture. This was taken in April of 2006. We were walking back to the car after attending the Sunday morning session of General Conference in SLC. We had to get there really early & I remember that Alison was in town staying with Darcy; they both came with us. We'd only been dating for about 4 months.






~I TAG.... Amy, Darcy, Katie D, Cami, Vanessa, Jeff and anyone else that wants to.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I Dub this a Very Good Week


I am finally getting over this yucky cold.

Luke is starting to sleep 12 hours as night without me going to him at all! (wakes up to cry only once for about 10 minutes and goes back to sleep! YAY!) But I'm not holding my breath...this kid changes faster than butter melts. Although he's done it for 3 days now.

I completed an awesome art project--you'll have to wait til next week to see it though because it's a gift and the recipient reads this blog.

I am packing up because we are getting out of this darn snow and heading for Georgia on Wednesday! Sweet warm southern sun, here we come!

I finally got a haircut and it's making life oh so much easier.

Mostly though, I'm excited to go to GA and can't wait to get there! I love going on Vacations!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Get & Give Away!

March is National Craft Month, So...
Be one of the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post by Friday @ Midnight and you'll receive something handmade by me. But there is a catch, you have to do the same thing on your blog. So if you're a reader, but a non blogger you're out of luck.

Comment away!

(and I will be checking your blog to see if you've blogged about this in order to receive your gift!)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Katie not feeling well

Hello followers of Katie's blog,

This is Scott and I'm sorry to say I have some bad news...

Katie is sick today. Please remember her in your prayers.

Thanks everyone

Friday, March 20, 2009

Luke's New Face

Lately Luke has been doing this scrunched up smile which is so funny! Maybe I scrunch my nose when I smile at him?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Massive To Do List!

[warning: kinda long, lots of ramblings]

Oh man! I usually take Saturdays and work like crazy getting things done because Scott is home to help out with Luke and keep him entertained--However, this weekend I spent working on a slideshow for our Relief Society dinner on Tuesday, AND Scott had to go into work for a few hours, so basically my whole Saturday was all screwy and nothing went as planned and I didn't get things done. Then Sunday was wack-o too, Luke sometimes refuses to go down for a nap and I either spend hours trying to get him to go down or just give up and let him stay up--meaning I don't get anything done. Monday = more slideshow ALL DAY.

Tuesday, Luke woke up at 6 am, but all he wanted to do was nurse and sleep, he did that for a half hour, we moved to the couch and he fell asleep as I sang him songs. (Scott snapped this picture of us sleepin on the couch). It was really sad. He had a fever--it reached 102.2 in the afternoon and he slept more than he was awake. When he was awake he just wanted me to hold him or nurse him. Poor little guy. I spent a few hours in the morning at the church setting up for the dinner and I had to hold him the whole time--I wasn't even going to stay there very long but the guy who was meeting us to bring the projector and set it up for the slideshow didn't show up until nearly 2 hours after he was supposed to.
Later, My arm was DYING from holding Luke all day--though I did get to watch a lot of TV shows I've been meaning to get to on the DVR.

Fast Forward--I finally put Luke to bed at 5:50p and raced to get ready for the dinner. The dinner was fine, I got there late and there wasn't really room at the table I would have liked to sit at, but i made do. I was completey bushed and my contacts were SO annoying and bugging me the whole night. I had to stay to help clean up but not for too long because Angie told me to go home to Luke (she was there that morning when we were setting up and knew he was sick).

Anyway, to make a long post longer, since the beginning of the week was so crazy and with Luke being sick I now have a MASSIVE to do list. Oi. Luke was much better yesterday, so I opted out of a trip to the doctor. He has a bit of a cough now and then but all in all I think most of the nasties has passed--apparently all that sleep did him good.

BLAH. my house is a mess and I have a million other things to do.

Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my other posts this week. Comments on blog posts really make me happy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

8 is Great

Luke is 8 months old!

He's slowwwwly growing. He's finally made it into the 6-9 month onesies, though most of his 3 mo size clothes still fit him perfectly, and a most 6 mo sizes are still too big.

Common nicknames: Luke-Baby, Lukey-baby, Lukey, Monkey, Da-Bebe

Favorite things/ Pastimes:
Paper, remotes, turning on the XBOX with the controller, crawling over to the tile and banging on it or slapping it with his hand. Crawling under the table to scavenge for food particles, banging anything that will make a noise, blowing raspberries, finding paper, eating paper, scratching at different textures, going on walks facing forward, sitting in the shopping cart without his carseat-carrier, demanding to eat whatever mom and dad are eating, splashing in the tub, "talking" on the phone makes him laugh, he laughs at sneezing or when he coughs, he loves chasing dad around the couch or ottoman, he loves finding wires to tangle up and play with.

Luke is pretty easy to get to bed (he's usually pretty worn out and ready), but we're (or rather I) am working on getting him to sleep longer at night. His longest stretch was from 6:30p to 6 am but it turned out to be because he was sick--so his real longest stretch was from 6:15p to 4:30am and then he went back to sleep until almost 8am. Our goal is to go from 6:30p to 7a. without needing mom (meaning if he wakes up he goes back to sleep fairly quickly). We'll get there.

Luke has 2 little teeth on the bottom--they came in February. Still wondering when the two top teeth will make their debue.

This is how he likes to chew on his green binkie. He doesn't use a binkie except to play with, and as you can see he likes to chew on it as he plays with other toys.

Sporting his green knit hat that his Grandma (my mom) made for him. Sitting on the little froggy quilt that GG Hughes made for him (my grandma)

just crawling around saying "ma ma ma ma" and smacking my lips. He doesn't ever say Ma Ma in reference to me-- despite my best effort.

Trying on Daddy's headphones (shhh don't tell dada)

First Cubby Hole!

This is probably the face expressing either tiredness or disgust at the bright sun or a combo of both.

Luke likes pulling down all the games from the shelf. Luke LOVES paper and will find it FAST--here he found the instructions to a game that someone didn't put back in the box. I suppose we should relocate our games...it's only a matter of time til he figures out how to open the boxes.

Snacktime is awesome because he's actually allowed to put things in his mouth, & it keeps those little fingers busy so mom can get things done! He's trying to eat it all quick before his alligator gets it!

He really loves to be around Scott whenever he's home.

Still ventures away now and then to check out what's new. He likes the springy doorstoppers.

Looking for interesting things on the entertainment center--going for the XBOX controller here. He started pulling up to stand half-way through February.

XOXO, Til next month!

Monday, March 16, 2009


`Remember this? (Waverly Brand "Lovely Lattice" from JoAnn Fabrics)

Well I finished making it into these:

After 7 months of living in this house I finally have curtains on my living room windows! They look even better in person, and I still need to find really cool pull backs. Anyway, check that off my list! Up Next: Kitchen window.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


#1 Way to get things done...food bribes.
It's nice that Luke can feed himself sometimes.
Here he is enjoying shredded cheese and cheerios.

Monday, March 09, 2009


Well March just snuck right up on us, I'm still wondering what the heck I did in February and determining whether or not February really happened. ZoOoM! Here's some of what I've got going on in the next month or so...

I'm currently working on...

Organizing closets
Uploading/Updating SmugMug galleries
Watching the 4th season of Lost
Curtains (see below)

I'm Planning...
House projects-- painting, window treatments, art & photo projects
Outside projects--yard layouts, garden, flowers
A trip to Georgia (Apr 1-5) for Scott's sister, Alison's wedding
To start running again soon (bleh.)


...will be my new living room curtains! I had to order the fabric online and I've been waiting for it to come for 2 weeks and I'm SO excited it's finally here and I've already started making them! I've figured out exactly how I want to decorate each room in my house, so now it's just a matter of putting the plans down on paper, figuring out the costs, and then month by month spending the budget to get the job done! I'm hoping to find some awesome furniture pieces to vamp up for our house too. Yardsales here I come!

I'm also working up my next art project which is for Luke's sadly barren walls. I'm going to be making a big alphabet poster with pictures to go with each letter. And, I'm also going to be making either an "i spy" quilt or poster. I haven't decided which. I saw the idea here at make and takes--I'm more of an artist than a sewer so I'll probably make a poster.

Lots to do and get busy with! What fun things or projects are you planning this month?

Thursday, March 05, 2009


This is why people write passwords on sticky notes and tack them to their monitors:

Password must be at least 8 characters. Must contain at least one lower caseletter, one upper case letter, one digit, must not contain the word ___[word removed], must not be equal to username and have at least one of these characters: !@#$-_ .

Oi. Didja get all that??
How the heck is anyone supposed to remember their password when it's got all those requirements attached to it??

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

24 of the Easiest Houseplants You Can Grow

Last year about this time I was taking a plant class at BYU. I learned over a hundred different kinds of plant names--but mostly I learned that having plants in our homes is not only fun and pretty but really good for our homes in a healthy kind of way. Plants help keep the air cleaner and actually have an effect on our mood and work. On BHG (Better Homes & Gardens) i found an artical called 24 of the Easiest Houseplants you can Grow and every single one of them was a plant that I had to know in my class.

Of the 24, I personally would recommend:

Pothos--any variety

Philodendon--any variety

Zeezee plant

arrowhead vine


rubber tree


Don't let their perfectly grown pictures fool you--it can be harder to make some of them so full and sometimes they are full and pretty because theirs 3 or so plants in the same pot.
I tried growing dracaena and it was ugly and I couldn't figure out how to make it prettier so I chucked it in the backyard.
Pothos and Philodendrons are really easy and looks great in just about any pot in any spot.
Rubber trees are really durable and many of these plants come back to full life if you accidentally water them too much or too little.
Some of the plants on the list (such as diffenbachia) are poisonous so having them in your home can actually be dangerous for your pets or children. They do make note of that in the article though.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Katie's KLipBoard

Maybe if I made some of these I would want to wash all my pots and pans more often...

aren't they cute??

I found the tutorial on Little Birdie Secrets--she always has tutorials for really cute stuff.

Seriously though, I want some!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

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