Sunday, November 05, 2017

Paris and London Anniversary Trip

This past summer Scott and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary!  The next few posts will be a brief trip journal ;)

We'd been planning for the last couple of years to go on a big trip to celebrate.  We had been planning on Hawaii, but when it came right down to it, we chose to go to Paris instead!  Sorry, Hawaii, but I will get to you someday!

As a young girl I always dreamed of going to Paris and being a fashion designer :)  I even used to draw my own designs.

Finally I got to go to Paris and see the Eiffel tower, and so many more unexpectedly beautiful things!

DAY ONE  Oct 14
8pm Flight to Paris, Attempting to sleep on the plane wasn't great.  I got more sleep than Hubby.
But we arrived in Paris, tired but excited!
Riding the Metro for the first time!  We had two big suitcases and a backpack each.  The train got more and more crowded the closer we got to Paris!  

We dropped off our bags at the hotel, but they weren't ready for us to check in, so we walked to Notre Dame!  It was only 10 minutes away from our hotel, we walked there a lot throughout the week.
Can I just say that I was absolutely blown away with Notre Dame.  It was never much more than a blip on my radar, but after seeing it the first time I just wanted to keep going back because it was so huge, detailed and absolutely amazing!

We listened to a Rick Steve's audio tour for Notre Dame, St Chapelle and the Conciergerie.   

Scott is standing in a fireplace...huge.
After visiting these 3 places, it was after 4 and our room was ready by then so we walked back to our hotel.  We stayed at La Lapin Blanc (the White Rabbit) and it was everything we hoped for and MORE.  They upgraded free us to a suite!  The room was absolutely huge and wonderful.  

Complementary macaroons :)
The hotel also offered a late afternoon snack in their little cafe room.  Free pastries, bagettes, and little sandwiches.  It was perfect for us most days to get us breakfast to dinner.  Dinner in Paris doesn't usually start until after 7.  

We arranged to do a boat tour on the river that evening.  We knew we would be tired, but we wanted to see more of the city.  It was the perfect time of day because we got to see the Eiffel tower at sunset and then by the time we were at the other end of the river, Notre Dame and all the bridges were lit up for the night.  It was really pretty.  

 Ended the day at McDonalds (easy and quick!) and then totally crashed for the night!

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