Monday, November 06, 2017

Paris Anniversary Trip

Day 2 Monday, October 16

 First of all, the little room we ate breakfast in every morning was super cute (hello retro fridge!) and we got a lot of food for what we ending up paying for breakfast there every day!  Turns out we were credited with 7 free breakfasts and since we only ate there 4 times, we ended up only paying 17 Euro for the entire week of breakfasts!  A pretty awesome score when food (and everything) is so expensive in Europe.It was a great breakfast, too with hot foods (eggs, bacon, pancakes), cold foods (yogurt, cheeses, deli meats, cereal, fruit), pastries, baguettes, juice...everything.  It was perfect.

Also, the cutest little details in this hotel...these stairs! LOVE.

The Louvre

Waiting in line to get into the Louvre!

Ever since taking Art History 101 in college, I've wanted to come to the Louvre to see so many of the pieces we learned about in person!  It was pretty cool. 

Next up, an unexpected sight for me.  You see the Arc de Triumph in pictures all the time, but in person, it is absolutely giant.  And again, the detail on this architecture is just breathtaking. 
We climbed the stairs to the top!  Up and around, up and around...

Dang wind.  Guys have it so easy without all the hair blowing all the time ;P

So cool to see all 12 roads radiating out around you.  The Arc is a great view of Paris, you can see everything!
This statue is a *lot* bigger than it looks in this picture.  This is inside the Arc. 

After all the climbing of the Arc and all the walking in the Louvre (which is huge and we explored like 3/4 of it) we went back to the hotel to take a break. 

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