Friday, April 30, 2010


I haven't been able to scrapbook for a couple weeks because I've been busy with trips to Pittsburgh and putting together a big Relief Society activity that is on Saturday (more on that after Saturday). Finally I had some time yesterday because my plans were canceled.

So without further adieu, here are Luke's 7 months pages:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pittsburgh: Part 4 & The End.

These are my notes from Saturday's conference. I know that you probably won't get the same things out of it that I did just from writing down my scribblings, but maybe you will.

Saturday April 24, 2010 TOFW: INFINITE HOPE

Hilary Weeks:
*Follow the Spirit with exactness. Ex) rotisserie chicken story: She was making rolls for dinner and she had a thought--"I need to leave right after I'm finished with these rolls if I want to get a rotisserie chicken for dinner." So she finished up the rolls and was about to head out the door when she remembered she needed to send a quick email. So she sent the email and left for the store. When she got in there, she saw a lady walking away with the last rotisserie chicken. She went up to the counter and asked if they had any more and the man said "No, they've been going really fast today." Well she didn't think much of it until later, she just got something else for dinner. When Hilary relayed the story to us, she said that normally delaying your obedience by 30 seconds wouldn't make that much of a difference, but that day it taught her that 30 seconds did matter. *Heavenly father cares about the details as well as the big stuff--and that night he cared about whether or not she got her chicken. *He is as involved with our lives as we will let him be.

Where there is life there is hope
Where there is hope there is life
Where there is hope there is Christ.

DeAnne Flynn
*There is never anything false about offering hope to anyone else
*Pattern in all things; that you may not be deceived.
*We are exposed to deceitful patterns--worldliness, pride, etc

*The patterns provide for families and individuals: daily scriptures, daily prayer, FHE, meals together. Many times the results & impact on the family are immediate
*Establish good patterns in daily life
*Short cuts rarely pay off.

*The best is yet to come
*Don't lose sight of your infinite worth
S. Michael Wilcox
*When you need hope, look forward, look to the past (scriptures), and look beside you (He walks beside us and is there to help us through).

*David faced the lions before he faced Goliath. He was prepared for the bigger trial with smaller ones first. As are we...

Hilary Weeks--
Sometimes we get in a situation that seems easy or ok at first, but at some point you get overwhelmedd and feel like you can't finish it. Maybe because a lack of time or talent or strength.
Christ can bless us, make us enough and then some (ex. The loaves and the fishes). He can magnify us. He has the power to make us more than what we are.

Believe in what you're doing, who you are
Hold tight to the truth, your a daughter of God
Believe in what you're becoming,
Believe in who you are
When it's hard to believe in what you're doing, Remember

Mary Ellen Edmunds
*Resilience is bouncing back
*People don't cheer you on during the training (of a marathon)
*When everything & everone says you can't, believe in the part of you that can.
*Resilience is trying again, starting over; it takes resilience and high hopes to do lots of things.
*A soldier once said there are only 3 things that matter: 1. Faith in God 2. Love of family and friends 3. Good health--the physical foundation for faith and love.
*"If I could have seen the end, I could have made it"
Kris Belcher
*Christ is a God of LIGHT...
L-ove: unconditionally
I-ntelligence: mosiah 4:9; Man cannot comprehend all that He can
G-race: God can't give you anything you can't handle--without his help. Because he does give us things we can't handle. With Christ we can do all things.
H-ope: Hope for a better world
T-ruth: He cannot lie. We can depend on Him. It is worth the struggle in this life

*If you pay attention to the warmth of the sun, you can know what direction you are going (metaphor related to blindness)
We also watched a video talk from Mariama Kallon

Overall, a great conference and a much needed uplift in this time of my life.

Time Out for Women has conferences all over the country for the rest of the year. Look it up
HERE to see if there is one near you if you would like to go.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pittsburgh: Part 3

Left to Right: My cousin, Megan; Me; my sister, Jen; my Grandma; My Aunt Lynn; My mom

Saturday we got up early to be ready at the conference center when the doors opened at 8:15. We had another round of great speakers and good music. We took a walk down about 6 blocks to a pizza place (Giovanni's) with just about anything you could want on the menu. We had a lovely stroll through the city (see Monday's post). Then we headed back for more speakers, more music, more hope.

(Hilary Weeks singing "He Hears Me" one of my most favorite songs ever (click here for Lyrics))

After the conference ended at about 4pm, we decided to spend the rest of our day strolling around IKEA, we had dinner there, and then we hit up the Mall. My cousin works for Claire's right now and has an awesome 50% off discount. My sister and I took full advantage and bought more jewelry than we have in the last 5 years combined. It was awesome. I also got some cute headbands in addition to my new stash of earrings and necklaces.

We hung out and chatted while we ate giant IKEA cinnamon rolls in one of our hotel rooms until we determined that it was indeed time for bed.

Our weekend came to a close and we headed off for a full day of flying. Jen and I flew to Atlanta, had a two hour layover (which we spent eating lunch at TGIFridays) and then we had a long flight back to Salt Lake. I got home at about 3 and Luke was down for a nap, and like any other Sunday, Scott was in the kitchen making Spaghetti for us. We definitely missed each other.

It was a good trip--a bit too short for the distance we traveled, but worth it for some renewed hope and a chance to spend time with family I don't get to see that much.

---I'll post my notes from Saturday's conference a bit later---

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pittsburgh: Part 2 Infinite Hope

Infinite Hope

That is the theme of this year's Time Out for Women conference.
Time Out for Women is a conference put on by Deseret Book, they have music and talks by famous LDS people. It's a Friday night and most of the day on Saturday. It's just the right amount of time to take a break and de-stress while getting uplifted and resolve to do better and to be better at the same time.

My sister and I met up with our mom, our grandma, and our aunt & her daughter.
It was a fun little getaway--not much of a vacation really with all the traveling and busy schedule, but still good to see family and take a break away from home in order for a spiritual and emotional uplift.

Like I said, the theme of this years TOFW conference was INFINITE HOPE.


Ardeth Kapp--
*Hope is much more than wishful thinking--it has power; it's strength to endure
*We all have Infinite Worth--we all have the qualities of our Savior, they may be dormant at the moment, but we all have the potential to become like him in every way.
*Call Home-Prayer is like a phone call home. When we pray, we are talking to our Father in Heaven. We need to stay in touch and call home often.
*Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path.
*Our trials are not to discourage but to refine us
*Our trials are not to weaken but to strengthen us
*It's in the struggle that we come to know Him & depend on Him.

Hymn 19:
When dark clouds of trouble hang o'er us
And threaten our peace to destroy,
There is hope smiling brightly before us
And we know that deliverance is nigh.
John Bytheway:
*Ask yourself--What's it like to be married to me?

The Weaver by Al Bryant:

My Life is but a weaving
between my Lord and me;
I cannot choose the colors
He worketh steadily.

Oft times He weaveth sorrow
And I, in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper,
And I the under side.

Not til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.

He knows, He loves, He cares,
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives His very best to those
Who leave the choice with Him.

You Know Better Than I (song) Dallyn Vail Bayles
I thought I did what's right
I thought I had the answers
I thought I chose the surest road
But that road brought me here
So I put up a fight
And told you how to help me
Now just when I have given up
The truth is coming clear

Chorus 1:
You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
For You know better than I

If this has been a test
I cannot see the reason
But maybe knowing
I don't know is part of getting through
I tried to do what's best
But faith has made it easy
To see the best thing i can do
Is to put my trust in You.

Chorus 2
For, You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
For You know better than I

I saw one cloud and thought it was a sky
I saw a bird and thought that I could follow
But it was You who taught that bird to fly
If i let You reach me
Will You teach me.
(Repeat Chorus )

For, You know better than I
You know the way
I've let go the need to know why
I'll take what answers you supply
You know better than I

Those were my notes from Friday Night's session, I'll have more from Saturday tomorrow.
I had a serious migraine from traveling all day, so it's a wonder I even got out of it what I did that night. Dallyn Vail Bayles is an amazing singer--reminded me very much of Josh Groban.

---more later---

Monday, April 26, 2010

Pittsburgh: Part One

2 google images of Pittsburgh

I'm back from the lovely city of Pittsburgh, PA.

I love cities because of the beauty you can find in the unlikliest of places--
Old buildings painted lovely colors
or with awesome architectural details
Variations of brick colors and patterns, I love this wall we found

I love the fountains and the shady covered benches
Random spots of lovely like these trees:

In Pittsburgh, there are lots of lovely yellow painted bridges & old train bridges over the river.

At night, the city lights reflect upon the rippling water and it is beautiful. I didn't get a night-time shot of this, but I found these thanks to Google (although it's prettier in person):

It was a joy to stroll the streets on the way to lunch on Saturday.

We enjoyed the sunshine, especially since it was forcasted to rain all day. The weather was perfect and we walked about six blocks away from the conference center to a little pizza shop with a very expansive menu. It was called Giovanni's--they had everything from pizza to pasta to calzones, hoagies and wedgies (what a great name for a sandwich). It was perfect. On the walk back, we enjoyed the streets of Pittsburgh again and stopped for several photo ops.

--more later--

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oi, Thursday!

How did it get to be Thursday already! Eek I have so much to do today!

Tomorrow morning I'm waking up at the crack of dawn and catching a flight to Pittsburgh PA with my big sister. We're meeting my mom, my grandma, and my aunt & her daughter and spending the weekend together. We'll be going to Time Out for Women.

From their Facebook page:
"Time Out for Women, a division of Deseret Book Company, gives women a chance to gather together through its various programs and take a “time out” from the stresses and challenges of life. Learn more at"

so excited!

One it will be awesome to go on a trip with just my sister and then meeting up with my mom and my grandma (whom I haven't seen in 2 years) and my Aunt (whom I haven't seen since my wedding reception). Secondly, it will be awesome to listen to uplifting speakers and come home renewed and de-stressed.

We leave tomorrow and come back Sunday. Poor Scott will be hanging out here all by his lonesome with Luke. It's his first time watching Luke on his own for that long of a time (he's never had to do it for more than a day) I'll miss my boys, but I'm excited for my time with the girls!

I'll get back to blogging regularly next week!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Clean bathrooms...check.
Clean up clothes...check.
Do laundry...check.
fold laundry...check.
Make bed...check.
Sweep floors...check.
Mop floors...check.
vacuum floors...check.
grocery shopping...check.
Luke summer clothes shopping (awesome deals at target right now)...check
Clean Kitchen counters...check.
Load dishwasher...check.
start dishwasher...check.
empty dishwasher...check.
Clean up toys...check.
take out trashes...check.

Play outside for 2 hours with Luke...check...check.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Scrapbook Pages

My computer was wigging out for a couple days (something blew up on in the video card and the screen was all wonky). It really throws me off blogging-wise when I get off track. It takes a good effort to write something again after days of not writing. get scrapbook pages. Which I also had to put off finishing because of the computer wigging out.

Six Months Pages:

Click here to see the rest of my scrapping awesomeness.

Thursday, April 08, 2010


Luke's fascination with drawing was bound to end up here eventually.

so busted.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Watching the Hailstorm

I love these daddy-son candid shots.
My other favorite can be found here (scroll to bottom).

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Easter Pictures

--For the Grandparents Mostly--

Luke really had no idea what Easter was. We didn't do any fun Egg hunts or the like because of the blasted snow. But I did put together some Easter baskets. (the stuff in my own basket was all from my mom, thanks mom!) The eggs were filled with chocolate teddy grahams and fruit snacks. Luke was more than happy to devour them all once he figured out how to open them.

I put him up on the table so he couldn't run away. He took each egg out--shook it--and held it in his arms while he picked up the next egg--shook it--and so on until he had all of his eggs in his arms! Our video camera was dead, unfortunately, so here's the still action shots ;)
Finally a smile!

My mom sent him a present, he didn't really feel like opening it so I tore it open little by little

smiling because he can see it is something fuzzy which always makes him happyAfter this shot i opened it all the way and turned it around for him to see--he nearly fell off the table because it scared him! I guess he wasn't expecting a giraffe?? It was quite funny. He loves it now, though--thanks Grandma!

These pictures might as well have been taken in December or January--but alas, this was Easter morning. The snow all melted by the afternoon, but it's still frigid cold here. But this is it I am packing up the snow gear and the blasted snow better go away!!

I made a really good dinner and we invited Scott's siblings over--Darcy & Derek--to join us after the last session of General Conference. It turned out to be a pretty good Easter.

Monday, April 05, 2010


We sure did take a lot of pictures of this kid. I'm finding I have to weed out a lot just because his scrapbook would be way too long (and pricey!) I can't wait until it's all finished though! I love digi-scrapping.

Pages up to month 5:

This one should technically be fore up to 6 months--but it's the only one I got for that set so far:

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