3 THiNgs I LoVe AbOuT toDay:
1. One of my BFFs--Nikki-- is coming and I will spend ALL day with her & another BFF--Lauren-- tomorrow!! It will be GoOd TiMes! (we'll miss u Melissa!)

Nikki & Me

Melissa, Lauren, Nikki & Me
2. Luke literally broke into a smile when I was feeding him cottage cheese--he L.o.v.e.d. it!
(obviously this isn't the picture of him eating cottage cheese, but this is a cute picture I just had to share)

3. My house is C.L.E.A.N. Who doesn't love that??

1. One of my BFFs--Nikki-- is coming and I will spend ALL day with her & another BFF--Lauren-- tomorrow!! It will be GoOd TiMes! (we'll miss u Melissa!)

Nikki & Me

Melissa, Lauren, Nikki & Me
2. Luke literally broke into a smile when I was feeding him cottage cheese--he L.o.v.e.d. it!
(obviously this isn't the picture of him eating cottage cheese, but this is a cute picture I just had to share)
3. My house is C.L.E.A.N. Who doesn't love that??

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