Thursday, October 30, 2008

It Fits Once Again!

I forgot to report how excited I am now that my gorgeous wedding rings fit again... it surely took a long time for them to fit again!! My fingers still aren't completely back to normal, but my rings fit comfortably again at least.

The wedding band is actually new. It was my first year anniversary gift from my wonderful hubby. Now my ring set is complete. Diamonds make a girl feel special!! Love You Hubby!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Faces In Places

I found this great Flickr site a while back and I L-O-V-E going to it from time to time to see the new pictures. People post pictures of "faces" they find in everyday places and objects! It's so fun to see all the faces people have found! Check it out HERE.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Here's What You've Been Missing from LUKE

Luke hit his 3 Month mark on the 17th this month

He's moved into the 3-6 mo clothing size
He started taking a bottle on occasion. (more practice needed).
He talks and plays (see below)
He is starting to enjoy baths (in other words...he no longer cries and cries)
He will stare at himself in the mirror
We got to hear his very first laugh! (we got it partially on video so i'll have to get it off our camcorder) It's so cute
He is getting better at taking naps, though it's definitely a work in progress

More on Sleeping/Eating:
We realized after a few pretty rough nights that we were probably doing something wrong when it comes to Luke's eating and sleeping habits. So I started reading these books and now I'm beginning the process of training Luke to go longer between feedings, sleep longer at night and take regular naps during the day. The first step is training them to go as long as 4 hours between feedings. The theory is the longer they go, the more they eat, the longer they wait til the next feeding. The goal is 24oz spread out between four feedings a day. When i read that Luke should naturally be going about 3 hours between feedings anyway at this age, I knew we were doing it wrong because he was eating every 2 hours. So this week i've stretched him back to 3 hours, but it's definitely tricky. It makes me wonder if we'll ever get to that 4 hours.
Anyway, after they get to that point (every 4 hrs), then you slowly start eliminating night feedings and then after that you work on regular naps. This is from the Baby Sleep Solution book which promises 12 hours of (straight) sleep at night by 12 weeks old for your baby. But it works great for babies up to 18mo old (so it says on the cover). It's short and an easy read. The other book is much longer, but from what I've learned from it it coincides with the Solution book's theories. Nights have already been getting better, so I'm optimistic about the future.
Now your favorite part...MORE PICTURES and VIDEOS!

Hand sucking went from this


What a funny kid

and now he'll pretty much suck on anything nearby...

He started "talking"

Luke "talkin" Take 1

He loves playing with his blankies, rattles and now his bouncer lights and sounds bar. It's fun that he's starting to play with toys!

Luke now has figured out how this darn rattle works and can now get it to his mouth and rattle it around himself.

Here is Luke playing with his new favorite "toy"...his blankie! Watch those happy feet kick!

We're still working on Tummy Time
(TV and pictures are good head-raising motivators we've found)

Hope You enjoyed this Update!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Here's What You've Been Missing This Month...

WOW. So much has happened this Month, I've barely been able to breath let alone write it all down in this blog of mine!

Sunday SEPT 30th
: (PS Pictures are still coming...of the blessing and Alpine Loop)
We had Luke's Baby Blessing! Scott's parent's flew in from Georgia to be there for it (and to help with our yard which I will get too) Alison and her boyfriend Anthony drove down from BYUI and also stayed at our house. We also had my grandparents, my sister and her family, my brother Al and his wife Steph, Scott's brother Derek and his girlfriend, Melissa, and Scott's other sister Darcy. The blessing was beautiful--Scott blessed Luke with wonderful things like an optimistic outlook on life and to be an example to his brothers and sisters and all those around him.
After the blessing we took some family pictures and went back to our house for a little brunch--I made a big breakfast casserole, and a fruit salad and my sister brought oodles of yummy muffins. It was nice to have everyone come to share the day with us.

Sunday afternoon, we drove up through American Fork Canyon and Alpine Loop with some of Scott's family. I've never done it before and wish I had!! I decided we will go every Fall season from now on because the colors and the trees and the mountains were simply stunning at this time of year!! GoRgEouS!! We do have one picture but we'll have more later...

September 26-Oct 3
Scott's parents were here all of this past week...Our yard needed a lot of work and we were trying to get grass seed planted before they left, so it took lots of work to get rid of all the weeds, rake the yard, etc. On top of that, Scott's Dad put in a sprinkler system! It took a LOT of work, but the yard looks great and hopefully we will have pretty grass next year!! Thanks to Everyone who pitched in and helped out! (on a sidenote--the little kitty that used to live in our yard has now been misplaced and doesn't quite know where to go...but we did see it kill a mouse the other day)

AND We also got some new additions for our house--a nice cosy bed for guests to sleep in for our guest room and we've FINALLY got furniture for our living room! Goodbye airmattress!

Brenda and I also had fun shopping for cute baby clothes for Luke since he is growing out of a bunch of his 0/3 month stuff!! My little boy is 11 lbs and has the cutest little chubby legs--delicious! We got this cute jumper outfit from Old Navy for Luke (among other things).

A trip to the Quilted Bear resulted in THIS cute little sign ...
which is accurate and appropriate for our house ;)

It was a busy but fun week. We're grateful for all the work that was done in the yard and for the time we were able to spend with family!

Here's MORE of What You've Been Missing...

October 15-22
We had a nice little round 2 because MY parents flew in from Ohio on the 15th!!

We had a HUGE family dinner on Sunday at our house. It was a tad bit stressful having all those people over, but fun too. I'm glad we have a nice big house to be able to invite all our family over!

There was lots of fun hanging out at the Grandparents, and at Jen's...
There was a wonderful girls lunch out at Zupas and then playtime at a nearby park
Big family dinners at Red River and at Red Robin, and a few more outings

My mom (and dad who we dragged around with us) got Luke a bunch of darling clothes--some for now, some for later when he's bigger. Also got these delightful gifts and some stuff for my kitchen (Thanks mom)...

Another trip to the Quilted Bear... $1.95 = nice

My parents helped us out big time by loading up this elliptical we bought at ShapeUP (a discount exercise equipment store) and then my Dad and Mom hauled it up the stairs to the loft while I was feeding Luke! Sweet Sweet Elliptical action. NO more running out in the cold at 6:30am!! I've used it every single day so far = GO ME!!

We also got a baby bath for Luke because he is just too dang wiggly and he's outgrown the sink. This has been great already! Now even Scott can give Luke a bath with confidence that he's not going to wiggle away.

All around I was just glad to spend time with my family the whole time my parents were here. I love Family. Scott's, Mine, the whole sha-bang.

More October News...

Grass has started to grow in our yard!!! Hooray we didn't kill it!!!

The wonderful city of Lehi added a 3rd ugly box to our front yard. grrr. and dug up a huge area of lawn to do it. I hate those ugly boxes.

AND, I started wearing my new hard contacts. Or "gas permeable lenses" as they refer to them. I already had a nightmarish event of getting one glued stuck to the white part under my eye. I had to call Scott to come get me and take me to my eye doctor because I was freaking out and couldn't get it out. Now i'm terrified every time i have to take them out, but I'm still optimistic because I know I will get the hang of them eventually. Though they are much more work than soft lenses.

Phew. That was a lot. Unbelievably I'm not even done yet!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Happy Birthday Nikki !!

Each year your birthday reminds me
That I really want to say
I’m very glad I know you;
I think of you each day.
I hope you enjoy your birthday,
All the pleasures it has in store,
And because I really like you,
I hope you have many more!

i wish i could be there with you!

TRICK-y or Treating

Forwarded to me from my hubby who got it from his brother Kevin...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Love This...

Appliances that make us happy we used them!

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