Since many of you liked my
Halloween/October Inspiration Sheet, I think I may continue to put them up here for you to see.
This is my Autumn Inspiration Sheet:
[click to enlarge]

As you know from yesterday's post, I have already made sweater pumpkins and the HARVEST Subway art. I am going to make some pillows for my couch out of sweaters and fabric in Fall colors. I already did my porch, I just don't think I'll do a whole lot more. Honestly, I am ready for Christmas. Usually I like to give Thanksgiving it's proper attention, but this year I'm just ready to go ahead and move on with it and get on to Christmas already! (minus the snow, I am not really ready for that yet! EEK!)
I may or may not have the links/tutorials to the picture (sometimes I just save the picture knowing I can figure out how to do it myself later). But if you want to get the link to something just leave a comment and I'll see if I can find it for you.
I seriously admire your craftiness! I am so jealous! I am so not like that, but I love how people's houses look that are crafty like you! Maybe you can design my house when I finally have one. ;)