Happy Birthday America!Scott & I woke up early to drive to
Deer Creek Reservoir to meet a big group of old friends we knew when we lived in Centennial Apartments when we were dating. There was about 14 of us altogether--with a few more joining later. The main purpose of going was to ride wave-runners, but we also played volleyball, Frisbee in the water and had a really good lunch. I didn't go on the wave-runners, but it was fun to be on the beach and talk with all my old friends and one of my former roomies. The hours went by quickly--we were there from 9 to 2 but it didn't seem that long and the weather was so perfect. It was cool, breezy and very nice up til the very end when the sun came out and warmed things up a bit. We had a really good time, but were pretty bushed afterwards.
That evening, Scott worked at
Stadium of Fire--positioned right on the field near a Pyro tower. We worked there together two years ago and enjoyed it, so he thought

he'd do it again this year--I had to opt out because I wouldn't have been able to stand up for 6+ hours I would have had to. As he told me about the show, one of his main complaints were all the bazillions of screaming little girls there to see Miley Cyrus. Blue Man Group also made an appearance, but only for a short part. Glen Beck was the main host. Scott's favorite part was when the paratroopers parachuted down onto the field literally feet in front of him. While Scott was there, I stayed home and made a berry good smoothie and watched 27 dresses (which was kind of a dud, in my opinion). I also called my mom and talked to her for an hour to pass some time. Around 10:15 the fireworks at the Stadium started and since I could see the big ones pretty good from our apartment, I went down and sat on a blanket and watched for a while for lack of something better to do. Watching fireworks is definitely more fun when you watch them with someone else. Eh, oh well.
Hope you all Had a Spectacular Fourth also!
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