Saturday, January 12, 2008

slacker blogger

Not a good way to start the new year.
I intend to write at least ONCE a week :P I loved how last summer I wrote all the time, I look back at all my interesting posts back in May and wonder, what the heck happened? And then I remembered, oh yeah--I got married, traveled all over the place, moved into a new apartment, started school and work and lost all free time as we know it. This semester is no better.
I have 5 classes and 20 hours of work--a bigger load than last semester. I'll have one more class to take during Spring term, but it will be totally worth it not to lose my mind in stress. Which isn't good for me--or my hair.

After surviving our first week back at school--and boy was it crazy! We also decided some other big stuff--we're moving back to Provo. We got an apartment in Wymount (on campus family housing) and are moving at the end of this month!! That's not too far away either! The added stress of a commute from Springville in the winter was just too much for me to bear. I could list off all the things I dislike about this apartment..maybe i'll save that for another day. I will only miss 2 things just down the road from the Springville Walmart (which is MUCH less busy than the Orem one) and living only blocks away from Jen and her family. I've enjoyed that a lot.

Anyway, just rambling here.

Going to search for something more interesting to blog about now... Happy Saturday!!

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