Monday, April 22, 2013

Before Smashbook-ing was Cool

Have you heard of Smashbook?  It’s a pretty fun concept and the funny thing is the books in the beginning of the video i linked {here} are just like the one I’m about to show you!

I started this book in high school.  I always had a bazillion cut-outs and ripped out pages from Magazines laying around my room.  I also had a whole drawer full of little scribbled notes, quotes, poems, and ideas.  I started compiling the two into a giant sketchbook as a way to clear away the clutter from my room.  And this fun collage-book was born.  

Of course, now Smash-booking is like a “thing” and gaining some real popularity in the crafting world.  I haven’t really done much with it since college, but here are some of my favorite pages from my “smash” book from way back. 

 If you're looking for some current and truly awesome Smash book inspiration just type in "smash book" into a Pinterest or Google Image Search and you will find some pretty inspiring stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. Katie, this is so cool and so you. Although it is putting things together, it really takes skills and creativity and you have so much of both!! I'd rip things out of magazines too. I can't remember if I still have them, but if I do, I'm going to put something like this together. Thanks for the inspiration!


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