Friday, January 15, 2010

December Projects

Two headbands for a secret santa gift for a young girl

(red one not my fav)

Headbands for me

Tech/geeky art I made for Scott's office (christmas present)--this is an XKCD comic he liked
see HeRe

and HeRe.

Pictures I framed for Scott's office (he didn't have ANY of Luke and the kid is 1 1/2 yrs old)

A wintery clipboard

Family Trees--One for each of our parents and the last one I made for a friend so she could give it to her in-laws for Christmas too.


  1. You're so crafty. i'm jealous.
    we need to make pillows. soon. my living room is boring.

  2. I love the family tree idea! How extremely creative! :)

  3. How do you make the trees?

  4. You are amazing! I love how crafty you are! I seriously think you could sell those family trees. I love them!

  5. lots of cute stuff. i love the trees. i too want to know how you make them!!


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