Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Pictures

You will sit there, by the pumpkin, and like it.

Oh how i tried.

I'm glad I tried to get these done on Monday, seeing how everything is freezing cold and covered with snow now. Gross.

Overall we're lucky to got the few good ones we did because Luke wouldn't have it. Every time I sat him down, he immediately started turning around so he could go down the stair I sat him on.

He got mad at me several times. Who knew it would be such a traumatic experience.

Oh what a mean mom I am

He even ran away and tried to go back inside to get away.

And later when Scott was there to help he crawled away to the corner.

And tried pushing the pumpkin off the porch (which he succeeded at).

But we did manage to get a few, like I said.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fluffy White Stuff

They said it would snow today...

I was hoping they were lying.

This completely caught me off guard when I came down the stairs a few minutes ago.
i. am. so. not. ready.

Hence why Scott & I are escaping to the Caribbean next week!

Be jealous.

Today, We will Read

Luke LOVES books.

We read every day before naptime and bedtime. And several times in between when he brings us a book and begs for us to read it to him. Sometimes he's content just playing by his bookshelf and looking at the pictures, but usually not until we read to him is he truly happy. I have to remind myself that it's a great thing that he loves books and reading, because after the 100th book he brings to me I've just about had it. He's just like his parents though, we also love to read.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Luke likes talking into the phone. Sometimes it's not even a this case it is my Zune which is charging. Sometimes it's a calculator. Or even a pen or toy car. Yap Yap Yap. He will go on for a half an hour or more, just talking on the phone. He also signs for phone when we wants you to hand it to him so he can talk.

Not the best videos but you get the idea :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Little Plug for New

This is a great site for parents. I spent the better part of an afternoon just searching through this website and I really like it. It's a great resource, and I love finding new websites to help me out. I got an email from an intern who works at the site and singing praises to my blog and so I'm putting the info out there about this website as a thank you.

About the Site: is the ultimate online companion for parents: Get our baby
checklists, connect with other parents in our community, get expert advice
for your pregnancy and parenting questions, sign up for our weekly
newsletters, try our baby namer, read our parenting blogs, win free
products, and shop for all your maternity, baby and toddler essentials. also offers useful information like: coupons, celeb corner
features, up-to-date recalls, recipes and much more!

There is also a baby of the week section where people can enter their
children to be the star of the week : )

Here are some great links to check out from the site:

Be Inspired Here:

Sweet. An entire section on EATING. recipes too! I seriously need help in this area.
Eat Me

Do you have a cute baby? I think I do so I'm entering this contest!!
Cutie Pies

I don't know about you, but I'm kind of sick of looking for stuff on YouTube for Luke to enjoy. This is an online radio-type link that plays music for toddlers! AWESOME. Luke loves dancing and he loves these songs! Check it out for yourself...
Get Your Groove On

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another One

I made another definition of a boy hanging for my friend Shelley. She just had her little boy, Logan, last week. I made all the colors to match her nursery which I stole a quick peek at a few weeks ago. I definitely like this one better than the first one I made, so I may be making another to match. Cute. Easy. Fun.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Last fall, I signed up for a gmail account specifically for this blog and my future business should I ever get the ball rolling and actually open it. It's under the "Contact Me" part over there on the left!

WELL. Today I decided to log into it. And GUESS WHAT.
The forwarding thing wasn't working. It hadn't been forwarding the emails from that address to my daily address since FEBRUARY 11th!!!

I found a few emails that I DEFINITELY needed to see. One in February itself. One from April. One from June.

Google, you have failed me today. And I am sad about that.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall/Halloween Decor

I didn't do much this year, but it's more than last year!

I made paper leaves that I want to laminate so they will last forever
I hung them up around house--on the door and around various photos on the walls.
I spookified the chandelier

And various hangings...

a boring webby mantle

I put up window decals on the front door windows (which i couldn't get a good picture of)
and hung these guys near by

Now all that's missing are pumpkins on the porch and candy in the trick-or-treater bowl.
I think I did ok this year for Halloween Decor, especially since Scott & I won't even be here! We leave on the 31st to go on a cruise and we are leaving Luke with Grandma! Awesome. More on that later.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I decided it was time to pull the carrots up out of the ground.
Here's what I got:

They are kind of funny looking.
They'd make pretty good creepy fingers for Halloween.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Guess it's time to Hide my Wallet

Though I didn't think I'd need to do this til Luke was a teenager :)

He emptied my wallet that he pulled down off the desk while I was on the phone.
Little stinker.

Guess this is a good excuse to organized it though.

Friday, October 16, 2009

i suck.

at blogging this week.

I have a list of things to do and I got wrapped up in a bunch of home improvement projects and just didn't get the blogging done like i was gonna. But to make up for it I have some pictures of the projects I have been working on!


My sister gave me her 3 barstools and I GLADLY took them because I've always loved them. I recovered the seats with the huge bolt of red-orange vinyl-ish material that I got at a yard sale ($5 for the whole bolt plus a TON of wood for various projects). The seats were a gray tweed, but there were rips in the side from heavy use. But the orange looks AWESOME in my kitchen, so even without the tears I would have recovered them anyway.

I spray painted them to just touch them up a bit. Actually I only spray painted 1 of them. Eventually I'll go back and do the other two, but they really don't need it so I can put it off til whenever I feel like it.

I LOVE how they turned out!!

I can't wait until I paint the kitchen and then it will be totally complete.

NeXt...The Entry

So without telling Scott, I went and bought primer, paint and all the suppies we were lacking, and I taped and primed the walls while he was at Scuba class til 11pm. Surprise!! He helped me paint the walls the chosen color (butter toffee or something) the next night. Yay for a color on the walls!!!
sidenote: Can i just say that darn ladder took me 20 minutes to hall in and set up? Jeez.

In addition to the walls being painted a color, I plan to paint a big tree on the wall and then "hang" black picture frames with family pictures up for like a huge family tree mural kind of thing. The wall needs some touch-up first so it might be a few weeks before I get painting it with our vacation and stuff coming up.

For the space behind the front door, I made a cushion for this bench and I stained a sweet shelf to hang up. I still have to work on the shelf--maybe stain it a bit darker and then glossy it up. And I have to get Scott to help me hang it, so this area needs just a bit more work and then I will get the finished pictures up. It's nice to have more than just a rug in that entire space now.

Well that's all i got. I need to take more pictures of Luke--I've been slacking lately.
Love to all! Hope you enjoyed the pictures! I'm off to find a receipt and go have lunch with my hubby!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Favorite Photos from This Week

I realized I haven't blogged in October yet, and I also noticed I hadn't been taking very many pictures lately, so I made a point to do so in the last week. Here's some favorites.

After being cooped up in the house all weekend watching conference, we decided to brave the cold weather and go for a walk Sunday. Needless to say, Luke was VERY excited to be outside as well. No matter how cold and windy.

Scott taught Luke to fall into pillows and blankets and now he does it on his own whenever there is a big soft blanket layin around. Who doesn't love squishy soft blankets?

Luckily, Luke's phase of fearing the tub was short--only about 1 1/2 weeks. Whew. Now he is back to his water splashing, duck-squeezing ways.

(i think he looks a bit like my brother, Andrew, in this picture. What do you think, mom?)

pure joy, i tell you.

OK. not ALL the time, but today it was.

Luke L.O.V.E.S. going on walks. Especially when he gets to decide where to go.
Isn't this picture AWESOME?

Even better as a Polaroid.

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