I'm happy to realize also that I will most definitely be making it to my last prenatal class tomorrow. I really wanted to go, and I seriously doubt this little guy is going to want to come out before then. So it looks like he's going to come a little late after all. But seriously, I had nothing planned for next week or the week after so he better come soon so I won't be bored. My mom is coming Tuesday night, it will be fun to hang out with her, without, baby too. I can definitely think of some fun things to do...IKEA :) Plus it will be pretty cool for her to be there when I have the baby too. But I'm getting ahead of myself. He still could come any day! I have to keep telling myself that.
Anyhow, visiting the hospital and seeing all the little babies definitely makes me want to meet my own little boy. Very excited, and now very ready.
Katie! It's getting very close and I can understand how exciting/nervous/anxious/scared you are probably feeling! Good luck with everything, and I am sure you've been told this before, but ENJOY YOUR LAST NIGHTS OF SLEEP!!! :)