Saturday, May 12, 2007

Wedding Craziness

I always looked forward to planning my wedding, but I'm seeing how it's much more work than fun. I just can't wait til it's over and the wedding day comes so we can enjoy it. So ready to be married and start a new chapter in this life. Scott is my everything. I'd give him the world if I could--he makes me so incredibly, deliriously happy. I couldn't imagine any better match for me than him. He's keeping me pretty stable amidst all these decisions and stress.
Today Jen took some engagement pictures for us. They came out great! All the planning is coming together, slowly but surely. Putting all these puzzle pieces together is definitely an experience for us. It's all pretty great though, gives us something to do while we wait the 77 some odd days till we get married ;) (all the updates at

In other news, I've officially moved into my room, and Nikki is spreading out as well. It's pretty weird and quiet with just the two of us. Our schedules kind of clash too, so we are each home alone a lot. Sure do miss all our girlz.

It's definitely getting too hot here. I can't even think anymore :P

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