Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Turkey for Turkey Day

Gobble Gobble

Cute, huh?!

Besides my pumpkins & subway art, I decided I better make at least one turkey to put up somewhere. I saw this one here on UCreate and just modified it to work for me and what I wanted it to look like. I didn't have a paint stick so I just used card stock on cardboard and then used glue dots to give it more 3D (though it's easier to tell those things in person)

And I just realized I never put up a picture of the updated Tree!
It usually is our family memory tree with framed pictures, and then it became our Halloween tree, and now it looks like this:
I had the paper leaves from last year so I just put them up here instead of on the windows.
I can't wait to change it up again for Christmas! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. Your tree looks terrific with the leaves. I can't wait to see what you come up with for Christmas.


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