Friday, July 23, 2010


Long time no blogging.

To make up for it I've decided to do an Every Day in August blogfest again. Every day in August I will post something each day! Hooray!

Each week I've been getting together with my good friend, Shelley, so that we can work on our projects for our Ruffled Rooster Boutique on August 7th. Mark your calendars because you aren't going to want to miss it! We have really cute stuff and I can't wait to get it out there to sell! I'll be putting up a preview on the Ruffled Rooster blog right before the boutique--I'll put the details up here so you can see what we will have to offer there. I have SO much more work to do!

My parents came to town on the 4th! It was good to have them here and Luke loved having Grandma and Grandpa's attention whenever he wanted. He loved going for walks with Grandpa and taggin along with him. He also loved snuggling up to his Grandma. The only bad part of the entire trip was that Luke caught some nasty stomach virus and spent Wednesday thru Saturday throwing up and being miserable on the couch. I realize now I really didn't take many pictures, I didn't even get ones of my dad or my Grandma Hughes who came with them. Here's some pictures from that week:

Reading with Grandma

Texting with Uncle Steve
...just kidding ;)

The End.


  1. We got into Alpine Days so I'm going to miss it :( Glad you are doing a preview. GOOD LUCK!!

  2. WAit! Is your mother MARGRET HARRIS!? How fun. She was my visiting teaching companion recently. And came to my home last night for book club. And we are in the Kirtland Ward. Small world.

  3. Aww, no fun for Luke being sick. And you didn't take very many pictures? Omigoodness, were YOU feeling OK? =p


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